
Meet Reymo – Operations (Estonia)

My most important task as Operations Manager is to keep the site and our teams together.

Reymo Kreuz

Operations Manager
Workplace: JABS Group (Operations), Jõesuu
Seniority: 11 years

What do you do at JABS Group?

I started working at our factory in Jõesuu, Estonia, in May 2012. I have worked in different positions and in various departments and thereby gained a lot of experience. I started working as a Production Worker, developed to become a Foreman, and today, I am the Operations Manager of our factory in Jõesuu. I have been Operations Manager since June 2023, so working in an office is still quite a new thing for me.

My most important task as Operations Manager is to keep the site and our teams together. It is very important that our different teams work together and communicate effectively. I also spend a lot of time on developing our employees, for example via cross-training. For me, development and training are very important. In the same way, it is also important for me that all employees feel well and want to go to work. Therefore, I have many 1:1 conversations with team leaders, foremen, etc. Here, we talk about work, different ongoing projects, etc., but also about how we feel.

What is it like working at JABS Group?

I am very happy to work at JABS Group. In my job as Operations Manager, it is a huge support being part of the group and to know that there are two other Operations Managers in our other factories who have the same job as me. Even though they are far away, I know that I can always get support from them in all areas.

I believe that we have some very good leaders at JABS Group. This makes it possible to also have and get good employees and thereby also an effective production.

Our more than 800 employees are spread across corporate HQ in Denmark and our manufacturing sites in Estonia, Poland and Romania. We currently sell our products in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.